For more than 25 years the founding partners, Dr. Gérard Akinocho and Dr. Jean-Simon Blais, have nurtured a corporate culture based on awareness and insight with a clear commitment to excellence. Our values integrate a deep respect for human factors, a continual improvement mindset and a stubborn adhesion to quality and compliance.
Starting with a well-defined master plan, our management processes are a combination of regulatory compliance, continual improvement, technological advancement and change management. Our deep-rooted approach based on real-world experience allows us to respond positively to external or internal opportunities, and to evolve with systems, processes, products and people.
At KABS, the focus we apply for team cohesion is our strength and it extends to the interpersonal connection existing among the members of our units. Based on mutual respect and an openness to our cultural diversity, it is this interpersonal bond that causes our members to participate readily and remain motivated to accomplish the set goals. VIEW OPENINGS
Innovation comes from creating environments
where people connect.
Empowering people